100 word challenge week 3

As I left the professor’s class,my last class,I went walking home. My route home passes closely by a lake.Then I saw a crocodile on my path,by the lake.My stomach felt twisted as it hisses at me.I wish to make a run for it,but it would be very difficult.My stomach feels scared as the crocodile snaps its snout, moving toward me.My face turns red as I feel death.I call my mom,but she didn’t answer.Now my face is purple.I walk away slowly and make it home safe.Thank God.

Who I am

Hello world my name is Val,I live in Houston,Texas.I go to Ba and most of you don’t know me so here are a little facts about me.I am 12 and my birthday is on June 25,2005.I love horses and unicorns.I have one brother his name is Jorge and a little sister Ruby.We have a very close brother-sister relationship.Going to get a dog in a while.I hate spiders.I love any hot chip,and I love playing the saxophone and taking karate I am on my purple belt.I miss my old school sms.I love black panthers or any wild cats including house cats.I hate EVERYTHING not a fan of homework to be honest. I have one best friend I only trust her D.T. Love her.I love watching vines and posting on Instagram @just_meh_v.My life is not going so great,but I’m trying to make the best of it so far ,and always be yourself no matter what,and always love unicorns! : | . I hope you learned a bit about me.😄😃😀